As allied health professionals we remain open to patients even in lockdowns. We have stringent infection control measures in place that are In line with government guidance for your safety and to minimise the risk of Covid-19.

Brooks Osteopathy provides a safe environment where we encourage all patients to wear a facemask during treatment as will all Osteopaths to provide a safe environment for you to be treated in. The clinic will undergo a thorough clean between each appointment.

When you make an appointment you will need to confirm you are not displaying cold-like symptoms and answer a series of questions via email.

  • Please come for your treatment at your specified time and wait in your car to be called in, this is to allow safe time to wipe all equipment in between clients and to avoid contact with other clients.

  • Your temperature will be taken prior to coming in via a non-touch thermometer and you will be encouraged to use the hand sanitiser upon entry and exit of the building.

  • The Osteopathic regulators advise osteopaths to wear an apron, gloves and a mask and for your safety and all clinicians will be lateral flow testing twice per week. You will be contacted to reschedule your appointment if your Osteopath tests positive.
  • Payments ideally can be made online on a secure page at the time of booking.

If you do not feel entirely comfortable coming in we are available for video or phone consultations.

Schedule appointment

Osteopathy treatment includes assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and strengthening and stretching advice.

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